fredag den 26. april 2013
I onsdags da jeg var på vej hjem fra skole, skrev min mor til mig, at der var kommet en pakke til mig, og ih hvor blev jeg glad, for jeg vidste med det samme, at det var den læderjakke (eller det er jo en pu jakke), som jeg havde bestilt, som der var ankommet. Jakken er fra Vero Moda (vidst nok sidste års kollektion, kunne i hvert fald ikke, få den bestilt hjem, da jeg snakkede med dem inde i butikken), så jeg måtte jo bestille den på nettet. Jeg bestilte den fra Miintos hjemmeside, hvor jeg lige pt. kan se, at de kun har 1 tilbage på lagret. Jeg er helt vild med den, og har da også haft den på ved hver en lejlighed som jeg har haft mulighed for. Hvordan ser din forårsjakke ud?
This Wednesday, when I was on my way home from school, my mother texted me saying that there had been delivered a package for me, and I immediately knew that it was the leather jacket (or it's one pu Jacket), which I had ordered, that had arrived. The jacket is from Vero Moda (probably from last year's collection, because I could not get it ordered home, when I talked to them in the store), so I had to order it online. I ordered it from Miintos website where I can see that they only have one left in the inventory. I absolutely love it and have worn it at every opportunity that I have had. How does your spring jacket look?
torsdag den 25. april 2013
I'm going to London.
Picture found on google. |
Uh uh, gæt hvad jeg skal på søøøøndag! Nemlig, jeg tager til London med min klasse, på studietur, yeaaah. Vi tager afsted meget tidlig søndag morgen, og jeg kommer først hjem sent torsdag aften, så der vil blive stille her på bloggen i den periode. Jeg kan muligvis lave korte opdateringer fra min telefon, men det er ikke sikkert. Jeg har en gang før været i London, og jeg elsker virkelig den by, så kan slet ikke vente med at komme tilbage. Hvad er din ultimative yndlingsby?
Uh uh, guess where I'm going this sundag! That's right, I'm going to London with my class on a schooltrip, yeaaah. We leave very early Sunday morning, and I come home again late Thursday evening so there will be quiet here on the blog during the period. I may be able to make short updates from my phone, but i'm not sure. I have been in London before, and I really love the city so I cannot wait to come back. What is your ultimate favorite city?
søndag den 21. april 2013
Crop Top Obsession
Jeg er her på det sidste blevet helt vild med crop tops, nok fordi vi så småt går det gode vejr i møde. Alle toppene på collagen er fundet på New Looks hjemmeside, og i kan trykke på billedet og finde et direkte link til toppene, og priserne. Specielt den grå top nederst til højre, er en jeg meget kraftigt overvejer at bestille. Hvad glæder du dig til at bære, nu hvor det bliver varmere?
Here in the past i have been ecstatic with crop tops, probably because we are gradually meeting the good weather. All the tops on the collage are found in New Looks website, and you can click on the image and find a direct link to the tops and prices. Especially the gray top in the bottom is one I am considering to order. What are you looking forward to wear, now that it is getting warmer?
onsdag den 17. april 2013
A recent love
Picture source: |
Not exactly a charming picture, but this is the band that I'm completely fallen in love with in the moment, not because of their appearance, more because i think that their music is absolutely fantastic. The band is called Bastille, and they make English indie rock. You might know them from the number Pompeii, which hits at the moment. What do you think of their music?
mandag den 15. april 2013
Favorite Perfumes
Jeg elsker parfume, det kan vi ikke komme udenom, og her kan i se to af mine favoritter, nemlig Paris Hiltons Can Can, og Justin Biebers Someday. Jeg stinker virkelig til at beskrive dufte, så det vil jeg slet ikke begive mig ud i. Hvilken parfume er din favorit?
I love perfumes, that's a fact that we cannot get around, and here i'll show you two of my favorites; Paris Hilton's Can Can, and Justin Bieber's Someday. I really sucks at describing scents, so I will not try to do that. Which perfume is your favorite?
I love perfumes, that's a fact that we cannot get around, and here i'll show you two of my favorites; Paris Hilton's Can Can, and Justin Bieber's Someday. I really sucks at describing scents, so I will not try to do that. Which perfume is your favorite?
torsdag den 11. april 2013
H&M Cravings
Jeg har her på det sidste besøgt H&M's hjemmeside lidt for meget, og jeg er blevet forelsket i flere af deres ting. Rygsækken er en af de items jeg bare mangler, og jeg regner med at bestille den snart, så jeg har en rygsæk når jeg skal til London. Og de beige sko, hold da op, jeg er helt væk i dem, og har nu været det en del tid, mit problem er bare, at de to par andre sko også er ret lækre, og jeg har ikke lige pengene til at købe alle tre par, hvilket par ville du vælge, af de tre par?
Recently i have just visited H&M's website too many times, and I have fallen in love with some of their items. The backpack is one of the items I'm just missing, and I plan to order it soon, so i have it, when i'm visiting London. And the beige shoes, I'm completely lost in them, and have been that for some time, my problem is that the two other pairs of shoes are also quite delicious, and I havn't got the money to buy all three pairs, which pair would you choose out of the three pairs?
mandag den 8. april 2013
Guilty Pleasures #1
All pictures are found on google |
Jeg har ikke så mange kommentarer til collagen, andet end mums, og ku' godt, haha. Det gik op for mig, at der da lige manglede et par flotte fyre på min blog, og lige præcis disse fire, synes jeg er til at savle over. Seriøst, hvem kan ikke stå for de maver? Anyways, hvilken fyr synes du, fortjener en plads på collagen næste gang?
From right to left: Francisco Lachowski, Zac Efron, Alex Pettyfer and Louis Tomlinson.
Seriously this is hotness. It dawned on me that the blog is missing a couple of nice guys, and just these four, I think, is to drool over. Seriously, who can not resist these sixpacks? Anyways, what guy do you think deserves a spot on the collage next time?
lørdag den 6. april 2013
New In | Natural Powder
Idag var jeg lige et smut inde i byen, hvor jeg fik investeret i denne pudder fra CoolCos. Jeg gav 89 kr. for den, så den var ret billig, og derudover synes jeg faktisk, at den virker til, at være i en lækker kvalitet. Jeg har endnu ikke prøvet den endnu, udover da jeg prøvede at matche med min egen hudfarve på min hånd, inde i butikken. Smid en kommentar, hvis i gerne vil have et review på den, engang hvor jeg rent faktisk har fået den prøvet. Der er 10g i, som vel egentlig er meget normalt, da jeg synes at de fleste puddere ligger et sted imellem 7 og 14 gram. Hvilken pudder er din favorit?
Today I was in the city, to do some shoppin. I bought this powder from CoolCos. I gave DKK 89 for it so it was pretty cheap, and I actually think that it seems to be in a great quality. I have not tried it on yet, except when I tried to match with my skin tone on my hand, in the store. Leave a comment if the want to have a review on it, when I actually have got to test it. There are 10g of powder, which probably is normal, because I find that most powders lies somewhere between 7 and 14 grams. Which powder is your favorite?
onsdag den 3. april 2013
Dreams by Stine
All pics are found on tumblr |
Smaller collage of some of my dreams, or some of them are probably goals. The first picture represent my dream of getting extensions. I would really like to have extensions, permanent, despite the fact that it is expensive, it's not the price that prevents me from getting it. The second picture shows that I have a goal to eat healthier. I am easily tempted by sweets and chocolate, and I will not lie, I love sweets, but it has to change, at some point in the future, lol. The third picture shows the tattoo that I dream of getting, when I get older, however, I am not terribly fond of needles, and the idea of that you cannot actually undo it, scares me too much. The last one is a girl running, which I probably should be doing too, just once in a while, and I would also like to, but when it's all said and done, i'm just too lazy to do it. The last picture also shows that I just want to workout more often, but I as I said, i'm a little too lazy for that. What are your dreams / goals?
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